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Provision of Personal InformationNotes about the Provision of Personal Information Pertaining to the AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING EXPOSITION 2024

At the AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING EXPOSITION (hereinafter referred to as “the exposition”), personal information is defined as information capable of identifying a particular individual, such as that individual’s company name, name, gender, age, address, telephone number, email address, access log, other entered or individually assigned number or code or the like, or any other information capable of easily distinguishing that individual when used in combination with another item of information. The acquisition, use, and management of said personal information shall be carried out appropriately as described in this document, in strict accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, the guidelines laid down by the Personal Information Protection Commission, other laws or regulations, as well as the privacy policy of the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “the organizer”).

1. Purposes of Using Personal Information
At the exposition, personal information shall be appropriately obtained within the scope necessary to realize the purposes described below in order to provide services in line with the objectives of the exposition. When personal information is obtained, that purpose shall be clearly stated in advance and personal information shall be provided (i.e., recorded) under the volition of the person providing the personal information (hereinafter referred to as the “personal information provider”).
  1. For the sending of reports or the provision of other information pertaining to the exposition
  2. For the provision of information pertaining to or for the operational management of the exposition, presentations, or test-ride events*
  3. For the operational management of the exposition homepage
  4. For the provision or distribution of exposition materials (reports, planning documents, or the like)
  5. For responses to consultations or reports made at the exposition
  6. For the communication of exposition notifications or the sending of questionnaires or the like
  7. For other studies or communications pertaining to the organizer or operation of the exposition
* For the real expositions, personal information may be collected for the purpose of entering a venue, making a reservation for a presentation, attending an event as an audience member, or making a reservation for a test-ride event reservation. For the online exposition, personal information may be collected for purpose of participation in the exposition, to confirm safety when viewing a presentation, exhibitor’s seminar, or the exhibitor information pages, or for the purpose of questionnaires or requests for materials. In addition, personal information may also be collected for the purpose of providing information promotional information that may be useful to exposition visitors or information pertaining to the products and services of companies related to the exposition. The exposition shall only utilize the personal information of users within the scope of these purposes.
2. Handling of Personal Information at the Real Expositions and Online Exposition
  1. Handling of personal information at the real expositions
    At the real expositions, exposition participants will be issued with an entry ID that contains personal information, a QR code, and the like.
    The QR code provided on the entry ID that is carried by the exposition participants will be read with the consent of the participant during the duration of the expositions at entrances and reception areas to the exposition hall, within exhibitor booths, at presentation venues, and so on. When the entry ID is read in these cases, pre-registered personal information will be provided to people involved in the relevant events, such as exhibitors, presenters, and so on as information about the event participants. The provided personal information may be used by exhibitors, presenters, or other people involved in the relevant events to contact the participants with various types of information via email, regular mail, or the like.
  2. Handling of personal information at the online exposition
    Personal information registered for the purpose of participating in the online exposition or viewing online sites (including presentations, exhibitor’s seminars, and so on) will be provided to people involved in the relevant events, such as exhibitors, presenters, exhibitor’s seminar presenters, and the like within those sites once the applicable exhibitor information page is viewed for a set time or longer or once the presentation viewing page or the like is accessed or once submitting an application to attend an exhibitor’s seminar. It should be noted that the provided personal information may be used by people involved in the relevant events, such as exhibitors, presenters, exhibitor’s seminar presenters, or the like to contact the participants with various types of information via email, regular mail, or the like.
    Statistical data of participants at the real exposition venues or users of the online exposition venues may be provided to related companies in a format that does not allow the identification of specific individuals. However, this shall not be regarded as the provision of personal information. It should also be noted that the exposition requires all people involved in the relevant events, such as the organizer, exhibitors, presenters, and people involved in the operation of test-ride events (including at online venues) to manage personal information appropriately in the same way as it manages personal information.
3. Provision of personal information to a third party
Personal information collected by the exposition shall not be provided to a third party unless prior consent is obtained from the personal information provider. However, personal information may be provided to a third party without consent in any of the following cases.
  1. When provision is required by laws or regulations.
  2. When the provision of such personal information is required for the protection of human life, the body, or property, and in which it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual.
  3. When the provision of such personal information is specially required to improve public health or promote the healthy upbringing of an infant, and in which it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual.
  4. When the provision of such personal information is required to cooperate with a state institution, a local public body, or an individual or entity entrusted by said institution or body in executing affairs prescribed by laws or regulations, and in which obtaining the consent of the individual may impede the execution of said affairs.
If personal information is provided to a third party in accordance with these exceptions, the exposition requires this personal information to be managed appropriately in the same way as it manages personal information. In addition, if necessary, the exposition shall apply restrictions to the purpose to which this information is used or carry out other procedures.
4. Notification of the Purpose of Using Personal Information, or the Disclosure, Revision, Addition, Deletion, Cease of Utilization, Disposal, or Cease of Third Party Provision of Personal Information
  1. Personal information held by the exposition
    With respect to the personal information held by the exposition, inquiries pertaining to the notification of its purpose of use, or pertaining to the disclosure, revision, addition, deletion, cease of utilization, disposal, or cease of third party provision of said personal information should be directed to the address described below. After confirming that the request has been made by the personal information provider, such requests shall be carried out rapidly within a rational period of time in accordance with the content of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information. It should be noted that a decryption fee may be charged if a request pertaining to the notification of the purpose of using personal information or the disclosure of personal information involves data that has been encrypted for the purpose of saving said data.
    Automotive Engineering Exposition Office, AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING EXPOSITION
    Email: jsaeexpo@taiseisha.co.jp
  2. Personal information after provision to a third part
    During the period of the exposition (including the period in which archived data is maintained), to cease the utilization of personal information provided at an exhibitor booth or presentation venue at the real expositions, or personal information provided while viewing an exhibitor information page or presentation viewing page, a request to delete said personal information should be made to the relevant exhibitor after clicking the link to the privacy policy of the exhibitor to which the information was provided that is posted on the exhibitor information pages, and referring to the privacy policy disclosed by that exhibitor.
    After the period of the exposition, a request to delete said personal information should be made to the relevant exhibitor after personally referring to the privacy policy disclosed by that exhibitor. Refer to the following for a list of the exhibitors at the exposition.
    YOKOHAMA :https://aee.expo-info.jsae.or.jp/en/yokohama/exb_list/
    NAGOYA :https://aee.expo-info.jsae.or.jp/en/nagoya/exb_list/

The privacy policy of the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc., is as follows.

Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan Privacy Policy

Members, activity participants, employees, and people equivalent to employees of the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan (JSAE) shall recognize the importance of personal information, observe all laws and regulations (including the regulations of the JSAE) concerning the protection of personal information, and make their best effort to acquire, use, manage personal information properly in accordance with the provisions shown below.

Acquisition of Personal Information
The JSAE shall acquire information that can identify a specific person within the scope necessary for providing services that suit the business purposes of the JSAE. When the JSAE acquires such personal information, it shall clearly indicate the purpose of acquisition, and acquire the information through the intentional provision (registration) of that information from the person holding that personal information (hereinafter referred to as the “Person”) in principle.
Use of Personal Information
The JSAE shall use acquired personal information within the scope necessary for achieving the purpose of acquisition.
However, the JSAE may use or provide the personal information for a purpose other than the purpose of acquisition in any of the following cases:
  1. When the purpose is based on the provisions in laws and regulations
  2. When consent of the Person is obtained
  3. When the JSAE outsources all or part of personal data handling within the scope necessary for achieving the business purposes (e.g. outsourcing of delivery services and member data analysis)
  4. When there are justifiable grounds for achieving the business plan approved by a decision-making body of the JSAE (i.e., general meetings and the board of directors) or a decision-making body of each meeting organization
Personal Information Management
The JSAE shall make its best efforts to conduct the necessary and proper management of acquired personal information to prevent leakage, loss, destruction, and manipulation. However, personal information disclosed by the Person and personal information that is already open to the public shall not be subject to management by the JSAE.
Disclosure and Correction, etc., of Personal Information
The JSAE shall disclose personal information without delay when a Person requests disclosure of personal information related to that Person. Further, when a Person requests correction, etc.
of personal information, the JSAE shall make corrections, etc., of the personal information without delay and maintain up-to-date information.
Handling on Website
Users shall assume responsibility when using a website run by the JSAE. The JSAE shall assume no responsibility whatsoever for any damages caused by using various types of information acquired from the website of the JSAE or other websites linked from the JSAE website.
Security of Registered Information
This website uses encryption communication technology called SSL as necessary upon registration of personal information by a user. Further, the registered personal information is managed by a dedicated server protected with a security system firewall to prevent external unauthorized access and leakage of information.
Outsourcing of Information Processing of Personal Information Possessed by JSAE
When the JSAE outsources processing of the personal information possessed by the JSAE, the JSAE shall conclude the necessary agreements and conduct proper management and supervising of the outsourcee.
Update of Privacy Policy
Our privacy policy may be updated without notice to comply with revisions in laws and regulations, or for other reasons. The latest privacy policy is always applied to personal information acquired by the JSAE. Any update as described above shall be published on the website of the JSAE and shall be effective from the date of publication.
Supplemental Provision
This policy shall be effective as of July 15, 2005 (approved by the board of directors on July 15, 2005).
Link to
(Regulations on the Protection of Personal Information)

Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan Cookie Policy

1. What are Cookies?
Cookies are items of information stored in the web browser when an individual accesses a website. Cookie data on its own is not sufficient to identify an individual. Cookies are considered personal information when their use is integrated into personal information.
2. Utilization of Cookies
The JSAE automatically receives information such as cookie data, advertisements and websites viewed, and data on the system used by the individual from that individual’s web browser, stores it on its servers, and utilizes that information to improve the convenience of services offered by the JSAE, for security purposes such as maintaining or protecting sessions, to consider new services, and to present advertisements and services more closely adapted to the customer.
3. Setting and Management of Cookies
The individual can determine whether or not to allow the utilization of cookies. Many browsers automatically allow the utilization of cookies, but also make it possible to disable their use in the browser settings. Be aware that disabling the utilization of cookies may prevent the normal use of some JSAE services or prevent some pages from displaying correctly. Cookie settings vary from one browser to the next. Consult the instructions for the specific browser for details.
  1. Safari
  2. Chrome
  3. Firefox
  4. Microsoft Edge
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