Introducing Chubu Branch Activities
The Chubu Branch is the largest branch, with members in the seven prefectures of Toyama, Ishikawa, Fukui, Gifu, Shizuoka, Aichi, and Mie.
Activities specific to the Branch include workshops, technical presentations, engineer get-togethers, hands-on seminars, corporate social responsibility activities, automotive research groups for students, and the issuing of publications. They are carried out enthusiastically and meticulously in settings close to our members.
This exhibit presents our poster inviting people to become members, as well as two videos of presentations related to autonomous driving, which took place online in April 2021.
Movie of our activities
JSAE Chubu Branch Guide
ZoomResults (FY 2022)
ZoomResults (FY 2021)
The Chubu Branch of the JSAE holds technical presentations five times a year.
From these, we would like to present two videos of presentations related to autonomous driving, which took place online in April 2021.